Sunday, February 11, 2007


chickencoop-coonzapper, originally uploaded by kdjpcapix.

A low-strung electrified wire wraps around Darren Bender-Beauregard's chicken coop in Paoli IN, and is attached to this metal plate at the entrance. The chickens hop up and are not shocked unless they have one foot on the ground...but they always hop up....unlike the unwary raccoon, possum, skunk, snake, etc., who learn REALLY fast not to repeat the attempt. Darren found he could leave the coop open full-time and never worry about predators.

1 comment:

  1. That is so cool, I have lost many a chicken,,, Hah,,,I would love to see that dang skunk/weasel and my newest nemesis coyotes, try that ramp out. Too cool, thanks 4 sharing.
