Monday, April 6, 2009

Rocket Stoves Rock!

Permaculturist Paul Wheaton just sent me a link to this new video featuring the extremely fuel-efficient build-it-yourself rocket stove / mass heater. It offers, in Paul's words, "A compilation of 12 rocket heaters, 8 video clips of rocket mass heaters, 2 video clips of pocket rockets, 1 picture from the cover of the book on rocket mass heaters and one drawing from me making a feeble attempt to explain what these look like. And look! A peek at the author Ianto Evans!"

You can watch several other rocket stove videos on YouTube here.

Enjoy this series of rocket stove construction photos by Erica Ritter at her Picasa webpix album.


  1. Great post Keith! Perfect timing, I'm going to build one. Thanks

  2. Great post. I really enjoy your blog. Thanks for writing.

  3. That is brilliant, the sweet smell of ingenuity and another project for me to try.

    Thanks for posting, very interesting.
